

攻克安全运维难题的福禄克测试方案应用案例分享。火力发电公司通常负责住宅或工业区的电力供应和供应,不可持续和不稳定的供应对居民的生活质量和工厂的生产力有重大影响。为了保证正常供电,火电公司电气设备的监控和运维非常重要。如果发生故障,需要紧急维修。福禄克新款万用表17B MAX具有声光报警功能,当仪表的电流插孔和拨盘不在同一位置时,会出现红灯闪烁,同时会发出连续的哔哔声报警,提醒用户拨错档位,以免烧伤保险丝。无论是黑暗的环境还是嘈杂的地方,这种双重报警功能都可以有效使用。
Background introduction of the application case: A thermal power company in a science and technology industrial development zone, engaged in the production and sales of electricity and steam, has built two sets of 2×180MWE gas-steam combined cycle cogeneration units, which is responsible for heating for more than 100 enterprises in the park, and the operation and maintenance of electrical equipment must be well guaranteed at all times.
There are a total of 5 colleagues in the equipment maintenance department, and each task is assigned according to the on-site situation. Usually every day to the electrical equipment for two inspections, including relay protection, safety braking device, control loop and other detection and troubleshooting, if found to the equipment operation to apply for invoice, equipment operation section to send people to test the equipment, confirm the equipment problem after the invoice, equipment maintenance department to get the bill after on-site maintenance.
The multimeter detects the safety braking device
下图为Fluke15B MAXFluke17B MAX万用表检测安全制动装置。
The daily work of an engineer requires a daily check of the operation of the safety brakes. By checking whether the voltage parameters on the display screen are consistent with the voltage parameters of the normal operation of the unit, judge whether it is operating normally.
If the display shows 150V and the normal working voltage is 220V, it is judged that there is a problem and you need to go to the equipment operation center immediately to issue an invoice. After getting the bill, test it with a multimeter, first test whether the actual voltage is 150V, if the actual voltage is consistent with the displayed data, then judge that there is a problem with the circuit link. The second step is to look at the circuit diagram and find the location of the voltage loop. The third step is to detect each anchor point, troubleshoot the fault in turn, and lock the fault. The fourth step is fault repair, if the wiring is found to be loose, tighten the wiring and measure the voltage again, confirm that it is restored to 220V, that is, it is deemed to be back to normal, the maintenance work is completed, and the follow-up back to the maintenance department can fill in the maintenance record for archiving.
如果显示屏显示150V,正常工作电压为220V,则判断有问题,需要立即到设备运营中心开票。拿到票据后,用万用表进行测试,首先测试实际电压是否为150V,如果实际电压与显示数据一致,则判断电路链路有问题。第二步是查看电路图,找到电压回路的分布位置。第三步是检测每个定位点,依次排除故障,锁定故障。第四步是故障修复,如发现接线松动,拧紧接线后再次测量电压,确认恢复到220V,即视为恢复正常,维护检修工作就完成了,后续回维修部门填写检修记录存档即可。KIT款Fluke15B/17B MAX标配特尖表笔让测量更精准
Pain point: The fuse is easy to burn out
The power and voltage analog value of the generator need to measure the small current of 4~20mA with a multimeter, sometimes after measuring the current, forget to switch the meter pen jack, and measure the voltage again will cause the fuse to burn. If there is other test-related work on site, you need to go back to the office and bring a multimeter to the site, which will affect the work efficiency.
Solution: Sound and light alarm misoperation
The clamp meter detects the protection device, and the motor current B phase is found to be 0 in the protection device
Step 1: Test whether the current is consistent with the current during normal operation through the clamp meter, and if so.
Step 2: Carefully check the interface of the secondary current terminal, and find that the current terminal short connector is not removed, resulting in the secondary current failing to enter the device for sampling.
Step 3: After removing the short splice piece, check whether the sampling is normal, such as the normal end of the maintenance.
Pain point: The jaws can't reach into the tight coil
The core of the secondary cable is usually thin, no more than 4 square meters, the operation space is small, and the large jaws are difficult to snap in at one time, which affects the detection efficiency.
Solution: Fine pliers
Fluke's new Blade Series Fixture Table 301 weighs only 132g, with a pliers thickness of only 1.6cm and a jaw thickness of only 1cm, making it easy to test tight cables and tight spaces.

The thermometer detects the terminals of the protective cabinet
Regularly inspect the on-site protective cabinets, use a thermal imaging camera to measure the temperature of the terminals in turn, and check them one by one.
If you find that the terminal is overheated, more than 50 degrees, you need to immediately go to the equipment operation department to issue an invoice for inspection. If the inspection finds that the wiring is loose, tighten the wiring and use an infrared thermometer to confirm that the temperature has returned to normal.
Pain points: It is time-consuming and laborious to check one by one
Infrared thermometers cannot detect the temperature of multiple points, and general thermal imaging camera products are relatively expensive and inconvenient to carry.
Solution: Thermal imaging cameras for mobile phones
Fluke's new mobile phone thermal imaging camera is small in size, captures high and low temperatures in real time, can conduct comprehensive analysis of points, lines and surfaces, and can make notes on the captured pictures and adjust the color temperature, with high pixels, wide range, high sensitivity and other characteristics, making temperature measurement more convenient and efficient.
福禄克新型手机红外热像仪Fluke iSee™TC01A手机热像仪体积小,实时捕捉高低温,可对点、线、面进行综合分析,并可对采集的照片进行记号和调整色温,具有高像素、宽范围、高灵敏度等特点,使测温更加方便高效。
Fluke iSee TC01A





版权所有:深圳市银飞电子科技有限公司 粤ICP备15021421号


